
Install-RgBatocera -LocalFile <String> [-TempPath <String>] -TargetDeviceNumber <Int32> [-ClearTempPath <Boolean>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]

Install-RgBatocera [-Version <String>] [-TempPath <String>] -TargetDeviceNumber <Int32> [-ClearTempPath <Boolean>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]


Name Alias Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
-LocalFile The full path of a copy of Batocera locally available. If not supplied, it is downloaded from Github. true false
-Version The version tag to download and install. See https://github.com/rg35xx-cfw/rg35xx-cfw.github.io/tags for valid version tags. false false latest
-TempPath Where files will be downloaded and decompressed to during the installation. false false (Join-Path -Path ([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) "\RG35XXPs")
-TargetDeviceNumber The index of the target boot SD card device. Can be found using diskpart.exe or equivalent. true false 0
-ClearTempPath Whether to recursively empty the TempPath before using it. Recommended. false false True
-WhatIf wi false false
-Confirm cf false false


Install-RgBatocera -Version "rg35xx_batocera_lite_alpha_v0.2" -TargetDeviceNumber 2 -ClearTempPath $true
Fetches Batocera based on a specific version installs it on an SD card identified as Disk #2. Clears any files that may exist in the temp path.
Install-RgBatocera -LocalFile "C:\Users\lowlydba\Downloads\batocera_lite_rg35xx_20230316.img.zip" -TargetDeviceNumber 3 -ClearTempPath $true -TempPath "C:\temp"
Uses a local Batocera file and installs it on an SD card identified as Disk #3. Stores temp files in C:\temp. Clears any files that may already exist in C:\temp. Requires -RunAsAdministrator

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